"Ich habe es gespürt. Du bist ein echter Musiker mit Herz, mit Seele" - Rea Garvey  

"Du hast es Dir verdient indem Du internationales Flair auf die Bühne gebracht hast" - Mark Forster 

"Wir werden noch einiges von Dir hören" - Nico Santos  

"Den Retro Style mit ganzem Herzen verinnerlicht - muss sich hinter keinem US-Blues verstecken" - Blues News Magazin 

 "Blues im Blut" - Frankfurter Rundschau 

 "Just like music, life is a journey - a shared experience." - Marvin Scondo

Marvin Scondo in Concert

A unique Roadtrip Experience beyond the finest Blues and Rock, rooted in a 1960s sonic landscape...

What happens when...

you grow up with your fathers records from the 50s to 70s. Playing live music every week, off the mainstream since the age of five-teen? When you're writing songs to process emotions, for a better understanding of life, to share joy and find shelter with people through music? What happens when you don't give up on your dream and keep going. When you become a father and balance the art of hustling with the needs and blessings of family life? One thing for shure - you get a lot of inspiration for songs and all of the above is in every song Marvin plays for you. The joy and hardships of life reflected through music and songwriting makes it a retro road-trip but also one hundred percent heartfelt and up to date due to Marvins curiosity for experiencing life to it's fullest and sharing these insights with music. The audience is a big part of this journey and every concert becomes a unique common experience.



"Ich gebe immer 100% auf der Bühne " - Marvin

Music | Marvin released four albums with original songs. His live concerts are a musical roadtrip beyond the genres Blues, Soul, Rock and Indie.



Videos | "ich liebe es auf Tour zu sein" Mit 150 -200 gespielten Konzerten jährlich gehört Marvin Scondo und seine Band zu den am meisten gebuchten Artists in Deutschland.

Booking & Contact - send me a mail : scondomarvin@gmail.com